great reunion!

Neal McBurnett (
Mon, 27 Nov 1995 06:51:37 -0700

We just got back to Portland from our trip back east.
Everyone I talked to thought that the reunion went very well! It was held
in a big mansion with lots of food and tables scattered in various rooms,
some of
which were loud and rowdy and some of which were quiet and more intimate.
The food was good, the name tags were very helpful (yearbook pictures), and
the alums didn't seem to hold on to very many high school cliques and
stereotypes. The long distance prizes went to Sue Brigham Hudson from
Anchorage AK and Mari Fiskum Vagen from Norway (her first trip back!).
Cheers to the organizers for getting so many people together under such
nice circumstances! (More fun than the 10th reunion, from what I hear).

On Friday evening there was a more typical loud bar scene at Uncle Mikes,
but if you went upstairs you could have more quiet conversations. Dan
Garlen, Scott Johnson and I briefly dropped in on the Sunday brunch
(looking unsuccessfully for Jim Sturm), and saw a large table of people
there. I was the 'lucky winner' of a set of four lift tickets to Great
Gorge, which I blithly fobbed off on the first friend I saw rather than
discovering whether my wonderful hosts were interested (Dan & Marilyn
Garlen and their delightful kids Alex and Mandy.)

The organizers distributed a class directory with questionnaire (which
I hope to get up on the web page), and Dan Garlen and I distributed
the map of 'where they are now' and a list of names sorted by zip code
for easy location of people near you.

There was at least one large group picture of Franklin elementary
school graduates, which I hope to get up on the web. Larry Lauer
owned one of the cameras, and I think Scott Johnson also got a shot
of it.

Larry - will we will be able to get a list of attendees? How many
were there (classmates and guests)?
How much did you all end up subsidizing it? Need any donations?

It was nice to see the folks that were able to fit it into their
plans on short notice! There is talk of a 25th reunion, but I'm
more tempted to wait for the 30th for the next big one. In the
meantime we can keep in touch on-line and at smaller gatherings
now that we have a much more complete directory! I also heard from
several other folks with email addresses, so maybe more people will sign
up for this list.

What did other people think?